Easter reflections

This time four years ago the lead up to Easter looked drastically different to any other Easter Australia had experienced before. Most states of Australia were two weeks into COVID lockdown.

We all remember the breaking news, late in 2019, alerting us to the strange disease out of China that was quickly spreading and by 25 January 2020, Australia’s first COVID cases were recorded in NSW and Victoria. 4 days later QLD reported its first case. SA and WA followed in February, then Tasmania, NT, and ACT in March.

Lockdown and closed borders meant Easter was spent alone, eating chocolate, and collectively pondering when we would be able to ‘flatten the curve’ and resume life as normal.

Nobody saw the lockdowns coming, yet we all got on with it with the sudden halt in operations forcing us to rapidly adapt. As doors closed, we were faced with tough decisions and unforeseen challenges. However, amidst the chaos, there were valuable lessons learned that continue to shape our approach to business today.

  • The well-being of employees and guests became paramount, leading to the implementation of stringent hygiene protocols and innovative service delivery methods. We learned to embrace technology like never before, leveraging online platforms for ordering, reservations, and contactless transactions.
  • The pandemic underscored the resilience and adaptability of our workforce. Employees across the hospitality and service sectors demonstrated unwavering dedication, pivoting roles, and responsibilities to meet evolving demands. Their commitment and flexibility were instrumental in sustaining operations, where possible, during unprecedented times.
  • Fostering a culture of transparency and communication became essential in maintaining employee morale and trust.
  • Nurturing partnerships and collaborations within the industry strengthens our collective resilience. Sharing best practices, resources, and insights enables us to navigate challenges more effectively and emerge stronger together.

What would we, the public, and business managers/owners do if something like that were to happen again? Whatever challenges may come our way, embracing innovation, prioritising safety, and fostering collaboration, will enable us to thrive in an ever-changing landscape.